
What are probiotics?

ProbioticsProbiotics are living microorganisms (bacteria or yeast) that have a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora. In the gastrointestinal tract more than 100,000 billion bacteria from different strains live. The bacteria come from more than 400 species of bacteria. The intestinal flora is a collective name for the bacteria present in the gastrointestinal tract. A healthy intestinal flora protects the body against all kinds of pathogens and thus plays a key role in the proper functioning of the immune system. An imbalance in the intestinal flora can be caused by stress, fatigue and antibiotic use. Probiotics are healthy living microorganisms that provide protection and survive the stomach acidity. A healthy intestinal flora protects the body against pathogens. Only the lactic acid bacteria,

Where are probiotics present?

Probiotics are present in milk products such as (yoghurt, milk, cheese) but are also available in the form of a nutritional supplement such as probactiol plus 120 or drug.

When are probiotics used?

Probiotics are used in a disturbed intestinal flora after an antibiotic cure or in patients with diarrhea or bowel complaints. Likewise, probiotics such as probactiol plus normal stool support support and the resistance is built up. In summary, probiotics remedy intestinal flora and are of natural origin.

Diarrhea and probiotics

Diarrhea and probioticsVoor milde tot matige waterige diarree zijn er weinig middelen die verlichting kunnen bieden. Naast voedingssupplementen zoals metagenics probactiol plus is hydratatie evenmin belangrijk. Voldoende water drinken en vocht opnemen is van groot belang voor de behandeling van diarree, voornamelijk bij kinderen en ouderen.  Eet geen zware maaltijden zoals vetrijke fastfood.  Bij diarree kan je last hebben van koorts, misselijkheid en buikkrampen. Probiotica kunnen de diarree klachten verminderen en de darmflora herstellen. Vraag steeds advies aan je arts of apotheker voor advies op maat.

Probactiol® duo

ProbactiolProbactiol® duo ondersteunt de darmflora en stimuleert de weerstand. 1 capsule probactiol plus  bevat 6 miljard levende micro- organismen L. acidophilus, 8,5 miljard levende bacteriën (Saccharomyces boulardii ). Ter bevordering van een normale darmflora werd Probactiol® duo ontwikkeld. Het bevat een evenwichtig mengsel van Saccharomyces boulardiiAnd a high dose probiotics mixture and vitamin D (1.25 μg). From a recent triple blind placebo study conducted on 503 patients, probiotics gave a decrease in incidence and duration of antibiotic associated diarrhea. In order to prevent diarrhea, 1 capsule per day is sufficient; it is recommended to take 2 capsules per day for intestinal complaints. Probactiol plus 120 is suitable for patients with lactose or gluten intolerance and also suitable for vegetarians. For prolonged use Probactiol® plus for adults is recommended and Probactiol® Junior for children up to 12 years.

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